• 8K-Mirror-Polishing-Machine

Stainless Steel Sheet 8K Mirror Polishing Machine

Stainless Steel Sheet 8K Mirror Polishing Machine


Stainless Steel Sheet 8K Mirror Polishing Machine is used to polish stainless steel sheet surface to the degree of mirror sheet. 8K mirror sheets are widely used in decoration, so a large number of sheets need to be ground by 8K mirror. Over the years, in order to solve the problems of mirror grinding corrosion operators and environmental pollution, alumina powder with additives and 5% industrial nitric have been used for grinding, and the grinding fluid is recycled. In this way, it is possible to avoid occupational hazards and meet environmental requirements.

More importantly, we do any processing is to produce economic benefits for the purpose of using red powder 8K mirror steel machine general life of 3-5 years. The 8K mirror steel mill with white powder has a life span of 6-10 years. During the period, the 8K mirror steel machine, grinding head bearing and other accessories which are ground with white powder usually do not need to be replaced for 2-3 years.

In terms of production costs, the price of a ton of powdered grinding powder is higher than that of red powder, but the daily consumption is one tenth of that of red powder. The amount of water used is more than 1/10 of red powder.

Finally, there are additives in white powder, so it is more suitable for super 8K mirror grinding, and more suitable for high-end customers. The only difference with red powder grinding, the general domestic made simple 8K machine cannot use white powder, because the equipment manufacturing defects, the use of white powder will produce grinding flower, production efficiency will be reduced. Therefore, domestic manufacturers of 8K mirror steel machines do not recommend white powder grinding.

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8K Mirror Polishing Machine

8K Mirror Polishing Machine








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